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- 01Tractors
- 1.1Wheeled tractors
- 1.2Crawler tractors
- 1.3Special tractors
- Toolframe vehicles
- Lightweight vehicles
- Two-wheeled tractors
- Others in the Segment Special tractors
- 1.4Others in the Tractors Group
- 02Mobile loading machines
- 2.1Compact loaders
- 2.2Telehandler
- 2.3Wheeled loaders
- 2.4Front and rear loaders
- 2.5Forklifts
- 2.6Excavators, cranes
- 2.7Others in Mobile loading machines Group
- 03Machinery and equipment for soil working and seed-bed preparation
- 3.1Ploughs
- Beet ploughs
- Reversible ploughs
- Semi-mounted ploughs
- Others in the Segment Ploughs
- 3.2Subsoilers
- Subsoil looseners
- Others in the Segment Subsoilers
- 3.3Cultivators
- Chisel cultivators
- Short cultivators
- Peeling cultivators
- Plough cultivators
- Others in the Segment Cultivators
- 3.4Harrows
- Field and crop harrows
- Disc harrows
- 3.5Rotary tillers
- Disc harrows
- Rotary spade harrows
- Rotary hoes
- Others in the Segment Rotary tillers
- 3.6Tillage implements driven by PTO
- Tillage cutters
- Knife rotors
- Rotary blade harrows
- Reciprocating Tooth Bars Harrows
- Inter-row cultivators
- Cultivator - hiller
- Others from the section "Tillage machines driven from the PTO shaft"
- 3.7Combined tillage implements
- 3.8Skating rinks
- Field rollers
- Earth compactors
- Forging rollers
- Rollers for pastures
- Others in the Segment "Rollers"
- 3.9Other from the group "Machines and equipment for land work and preparation of sowing areas"
- 04Machines and equipment for sowing and drill seeding
- 4.1Seed drills
- Pneumatic seed drills
- Mechanical seed drills
- Others in the Segment Drills
- 4.2Precision seed drills
- Precision seed drills for maize
- Сеялки точного высева для свеклы
- Precision seed drills for vegetables
- Others in the Section "Precision seeders"
- 4.3Mulch planting machines
- 4.4Stubble seeders
- 4.5Seed drill combinations
- 4.6Grass seed drills
- 4.7Re-sowing seeders
- 4.8Sowing and planting machines
- Potato planters
- Onion planters
- Transfer machines
- Others in the Seeding and Planting Machines Segment
- 4.9Seeders for test plots
- 4.10Other from the group "Machines and equipment for sowing and drill seeding"
- 05Fertilization machinery and equipment
- 5.1Organic fertilization
- Manure spreaders
- Compost spreaders
- Slurry tanks and accessories
- Slurry spreaders
- Slurry storage and handling
- Storage and handling of dry manure
- Others in the section "Application of organic fertilizers"
- 5.2Application of mineral fertilizers
- Fertilizer mixing plants
- Conveyor and transport vehicles for mineral fertilizers
- Others in the Section "Application of mineral fertilizers"
- 5.3Fertilizer spreaders
- Spreaders; stationary
- Spreaders; towed
- Spreaders; self-propelled
- Pneumatic spreaders; stationary
- Pneumatic spreaders; towed
- Pneumatic spreaders; self-propelled
- Box distributors
- Universal spreaders
- Fertilizer spreaders
- Others in the Segment Fertilizer spreaders
- 5.4Application of liquid fertilizers
- Conveyor and transport vehicles for liquid fertilizers
- Machines and equipment for the introduction of liquid fertilizers
- Machines and equipment for spraying liquid fertilizers
- Others in the Section "Application of liquid fertilizers"
- 5.5Other from the group "Machines and equipment for fertilization"
- 06Plant protection machinery and equipment
- 6.1Machines and equipment for chemical plant protection
- Stationary sprayers
- Trailed sprayers
- Mounted sprayers
- Self-propelled sprayers
- Crop protection sprayers
- Backpack Sprinklers
- Weed removers
- Nozzles for protective equipment
- Others in the Segment "Machines and equipment for chemical plant protection"
- 6.2Machines and equipment for mechanical plant protection
- Harrows
- Weed cleaning machines
- Others in the Segment "Machines and equipment for mechanical plant protection"
- 6.3Machines and equipment for thermal plant protection
- Steam equipment and facilities
- Flare equipment
- Others in the Segment "Machines and equipment for thermal plant protection"
- 6.4Others in the Segment Machinery and equipment for plant protection
- 07Machines and equipment for irrigation and drainage
- 7.1Irrigation systems and accessories
- Sprinkler systems
- Drip irrigation
- Pumps
- Pipes
- Hoses
- Others in the Segment Irrigation systems and accessories
- 7.2Drainage machinery and equipment
- 7.3Other from the group "Machines and equipment for irrigation and drainage"
- 08Harvesting machinery and equipment
- 8.1Combine harvesting machines and equipment
- Drum harvesters
- Rotary harvesters
- Combine headers
- Trailed headers
- Mounted reapers
- Experimental harvesters
- Others in the Segment "Machines and equipment for combine harvesting"
- 8.2Machines and equipment for harvesting root crops
- Potato diggers
- Potato harvesters
- Beet harvesters
- Others in the Segment Machinery and equipment for harvesting root crops
- 8.3Thinning machinery and equipment
- Chopping forage harvesters; stationary
- Chopping forage harvesters; self-propelled
- Straw choppers for combines, Headers for chopping forage harvesters
- Toppers
- Others in the Segment Machinery and equipment for thinning
- 8.4Machines and equipment for mowing
- Rotary mowers
- Self-propelled machines and equipment for mowers
- Disc mowers
- Flail mowers
- Cutter bar mowers
- Others in the Segment Machinery and equipment for mowers
- 8.5Machines and equipment for the processing of cut material
- Cutting material improvers
- Haymaking machines
- Rotary tedders and tedders
- Rotary roller headers
- Self-loading trailers
- Harvesting trailers
- Forage trailers
- Others in the Segment Machinery and equipment for processing cut material
- 8.6Bale baling machines and equipment
- Large bale presses
- Square bale presses
- Round bale presses
- High pressure presses
- Combinations press packer
- Bale wrappers
- Others in the Segment Machines and equipment for baling
- 8.7Others in the Segment Machinery and equipment for harvesting
- 09Machines and equipment for sorting, transportation, processing and storage of crops
- 9.1Machines and equipment for grain
- Grain storage machinery and equipment
- Machines and equipment for grain transportation
- Machines and equipment for grain moistening
- Machines and equipment for drying grain
- Mills
- Grain cooling machines and equipment
- Others in the Segment "Machinery and equipment for grain"
- 9.2Potato machinery and equipment
- Machines and equipment for transportation and sorting of potatoes
- Machines and equipment for processing and storing potatoes
- Machines and equipment for packing and trading potatoes
- Machines and equipment for processing potatoes
- Others in the Segment "Machinery and equipment for potatoes"
- 9.3Beet machines and equipment
- Sugar beet cleaning loaders
- Machines and equipment for beet pile
- Others in the Segment "Machines and equipment for beets"
- 9.4Silage and straw machinery and equipment
- Bale grippers
- Loaders
- Desiccants for straw and leaves
- Others in the Segment Machinery and equipment for grain crops
- Silage heap distributors
- 9.5Other machinery and equipment
- Large boxes
- Multipurpose premises
- Materials of construction and accessories
- Storage containers
- Silos
- Storage temperature control machinery and equipment
- Construction of storage facilities with thermoregulation
- Silo packaging presses
- Others in the Section "Machinery and equipment from different sections"
- 9.6Others in the Section "Machines and equipment for sorting, transportation, processing and storage of crops"
- 10Machines and equipment for fruits, vegetables and other crops
- 10.1Gardening equipment
- Fruit picking machines and equipment
- Machines and equipment for improving the properties of fruits
- Fruit storage machinery and equipment
- Machines and equipment for packaging and trading in fruits
- Others in the Segment Fruit growing
- 10.2Vegetable growing
- Vegetable picking machines and equipment
- Machines and equipment for improving the properties of vegetables
- Vegetable storage machinery and equipment
- Machines and equipment for packing and trading vegetables
- Others in the Segment "Vegetable growing"
- 10.3Equipment for other crops
- Machines and equipment for the collection of other crops
- Machinery and equipment for improving the properties of other crops
- Machines and equipment for storing other crops
- Machines and equipment for packaging and trade in other crops
- Others in the Segment "Equipment for other crops"
- 10.4Other machinery and equipment
- Mechanical hoes
- Mechanical combined devices
- Tools for trading
- Polymer films
- Networks
- Nonwovens
- Sorting machines and equipment
- Weighing machines and equipment
- Others in the Section "Machinery and equipment from different sections"
- 10.5Others in the Segment "Machinery and equipment for fruits, vegetables and other crops"
- 11Components, spare parts, accessories
- 11.1Hulls, superstructures, cabins, seats
- Hulls
- Superstructures
- Vehicle cabins
- Seats for vehicles
- Front-mounted systems
- Window
- Window glass
- Coupling devices
- Mechanical lifts
- Others in the Section "Hulls, superstructures, cabins, seats"
- 11.2Vehicle electrical and electronics
- On-board computers
- Working bodies
- Batteries
- Starters
- Lighting equipment
- Switching and control elements
- Others in the Section "Electrics and electronics for vehicles"
- 11.3Traction devices
- Engines
- Fuel equipment
- Transmissions
- Axles
- Driving axles
- Bearings
- Plain and rolling bearings
- Drive shafts
- Connections
- Grips
- Radiators
- Coolers
- Power take-off shafts
- Joint shafts and accessories
- Others in the section "Traction devices"
- 11.4Hydraulics
- Hydraulic motors
- Hydraulic traction devices
- Hydraulic systems and accessories
- Hydraulic valves
- Hydraulic pumps
- Hydraulic cylinders
- Hydraulic gauges and controls
- Hydraulic filters
- Others in the Segment "Hydraulics"
- 11.5Tires and wheels, brakes and steering
- Wheels
- Wheel rims
- Tires
- Tire pressure measuring systems
- Braking devices
- Steering
- Steering systems
- Others in the Segment Tires and Wheels, Brakes and Steering
- 11.6Air conditioning
- Air conditioning and heating systems for vehicles
- Ventilation systems
- Fitting
- Others in the Segment "Air conditioning"
- 11.7Spare parts supply
- 11.8Others from the group "Components, spare parts, accessories"
- 12Agricultural electronics, measuring and weighing equipment Or Automated control and monitoring systems in agriculture
- 12.1Agricultural electronics
- Electronic components
- Sensors
- Electronic control and measuring instruments
- Production technology
- Process control computers
- Others in the Segment "Agricultural electronics"
- 12.2Measuring and weighing equipment
- Measuring equipment
- Thermometers
- Moisture meters
- Meteorological stations
- Electronic weighing devices
- Vehicle weighing platforms
- Data collection
- Telemetry
- Laboratory equipment
- Protection and signaling equipment
- Samplers for bulk goods
- Silo sampling devices
- Soil sampling devices
- Others in the Segment "Equipment for measuring and weighing"
- 12.3Precise farming
- GPS tools
- Field Robotics
- Remote reconnaissance
- Autonomous vehicle control systems
- Others in the section "Precision farming"
- 12.4Other from the group "Agricultural electronics, equipment for measuring and weighing"
- 13Management, services, organizations
- 13.1Control
- 13.2Consulting
- Energy Consulting
- Safety engineering
- Financial advice
- Others in the Section "Consulting"
- 13.3Software
- Field files
- Management software
- Internet
- Online services
- Others in the Segment Software
- 13.4Financing
- Credit institutions
- Banks
- Leasing
- Others in the section "Financing"
- 13.5Services
- Accounting department
- Control of soil structure and composition
- Inspection of plant protection equipment
- Real estate
- Advertising activity
- Insurance
- Transport services
- Forwarders
- Logistics support
- Others in the Segment "Services"
- 13.6Publishers, industry magazines, online publications
- 13.7Research, science - scientific communities
- 13.8Training
- 13.9Societies, organizations
- 13.10Other from the group "Management, services, organizations"
- 14Special exhibitions
- 14.1Information displays (Ministries)
- 14.2Special screenings (societies)
- 14.3Joint screenings (firms)
- 14.4Trade fairs and exhibitions
- 14.5Other from the group "Special screenings"
- 15Used equipment trade
- 15.1Used equipment for sale (magazines, Internet)
- 15.2Funding (used equipment)
- 15.3Procurement (used equipment)
- 15.4Forwarders (used equipment)
- 15.5Used parts for sale (magazines, internet)
- 15.6Customs clearance
- 15.7Others in the Segment "Sale of used equipment"
- 16Bioenergy
- 16.1Bioenergy plants
- Grain / raw materials for power plants
- Others in the Segment "Installations for the production of electricity"
- 16.2Other from the group "Bioenergy"
- 17Liquid biofuels: biodiesel, vegetable / rapeseed oil, methanol, ethanol
- 17.1Production, storage
- Oil press
- Filtration systems
- Oil tanks
- Biodiesel refueling systems
- Others in the Segment "Liquid biofuels"
- 17.2Fuel use
- Systems for the transition to biofuels
- Others in the Segment "Use of biofuels"
- 17.3Liquid biofuel trade
- 17.4Others from the section "Liquid biofuels: biodiesel, vegetable / rapeseed oil, methanol, ethanol"