Association "Rosspetsmash"


Develops the industry position in current areas.

Thus, there is a deeper understanding of the issues and problems of specialized engineering among individuals, decision-making in government bodies, in regulatory bodies, among leaders, small and favorable conditions.

An industry platform is emerging to facilitate data sharing.

The Rosspetsmash Association includes 243 enterprises, including manufacturers of agricultural, road construction, specialized equipment, companies producing food equipment, components, trailers and semi-trailers, as well as other engineering products.

Membership in the Rosspetsmash association is:

Development and support of the competencies of mechanical engineers in such areas as production, export, creation and modernization of factories, improving the quality characteristics of machines and equipment, expanding their model range. 

Organization of industry events on a domestic and international scale to discuss the most pressing issues of industry development, the formation of consolidated proposals and the position of manufacturers.

Holding the specialized fair of agricultural machinery AGROSALON, the forum of Russian manufacturers of road construction and specialized equipment STROYDOREXPO, the Russian Agrotechnical Forum, the Food Engineering Forum.

Development and examination of international, interstate and national standards.

Release of information products.

Representation of the industry in the media and social networks.

Organization of the work of industry committees of the Association.

Development of platform solutions in the field of digitalization of agriculture.

Expert and information support for members of the Association in matters of legislation and cooperation.

Organization and maintenance of constant dialogue between producers, consumers and government authorities.

Assistance in solving the problem of personnel shortage.

Support for young design engineers.

LLC "Agrosalon"

Exhibition technical operator

121609, Moscow, Osenny Boulevard, 23
phone: +7 (495) 781 37 56
fax: +7 (495) 781 37 08